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10 Chinese Sayings about Dragons
Here's a great collection of 10 Chinese sayings and idioms about dragons with Chinese characters, pinyin pronunciation, and English translations and explanations, to help you learn and enjoy the Chinese language, while understanding Chinese people's attitudes, life, and values more deeply.
Dragons are found in many aspects of Chinese culture, including sayings. Chinese dragons are seen as lucky and good — quite different to dragons in most Western stories.
1. 龙飞凤舞。 (Lóng fēi fèn gwǔ) — The dragon flies and the phoenix dances.
It refers to a flamboyant style of calligraphy and writing devoid of content.
2. 龙马精神。 (Lóng mǎ jīngshén) — A dragon's and a horse's spirit.
It refers to a vigorous spirit in old age.
3. 鱼龙混杂。 (Yú lóng hùnzá) — A muddled mix of fish and dragons.
It refers to crooks mixed in with honest folk.
4. 龙腾虎跃。 (Lóng téng hǔ yuè) — Dragons soaring and tigers leaping.
It refers to a scene of bustling activity.
5. 车水马龙。 (Chē shuǐ mǎ long) — Carriages like a stream and horses like a dragon.
It refers to a scene of heavy traffic (Chinese dragons have very long bodies).
6. 龙潭虎穴。 (Lóng tán hǔ xué) — A dragon's pool and a tiger's den.
It refers to a very dangerous spot.
7. 画龙点睛。 (Huà lóng diǎn jīng) — Paint a dragon and dot the eye.
It refers to adding the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life.
8. 叶公好龙。 (Yè Gōng hào long.) — Lord Ye loves dragons.
It refers to someone who pretends to like something that he really fears.
9. 鲤鱼跳龙门。 (Lǐyú tiào lóng mén) — A carp has jumped the dragon's gate.
It refers to someone who has successfully passed the civil service examination.
10. 强龙难压地头蛇。 (Qiáng lóng nán yā dìtóu shé) — Even a dragon struggles to control a snake in its native haunt.
This means that powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local villains.